What was meant to be a social media joke has exploded big time!!!
Storm Area 51 was a Facebook event dated June 27, created by US college student and Game-streamer Matty Roberts, planned for September 20, 2019.
That’s about one week from now.
The idea is – to mass-invade a top secret US Military base in search of extraterrestrial ‘aliens’; at last count, the event received around 2.5 million “Going” and another 1.5 million “Interested” signatures. That’s 4 Million people.

For the Sci-fi uninitiated, Area 51 is a United States Air Force facility at Nevada. Since way back in the 1950’s, conspiracy theorists have claimed aliens, UFOs, or secrets related to them are stored at Area 51.

I started following the mythical event, rather bemused and exasperated at its ‘viral’ explosion. It turned even more ‘mega’ with time. Finally, it all started seeming so incredulous that I had no option but to turn to my friend JD for an explanation.
JD, or Jaydip Sengupta, is a seasoned journalist who has spent years in Dubai and Kolkata covering sports; but I have always had a nagging doubt his real passion also lies elsewhere. Anyways, ever since my University days, I turn to him when in a fix.
Read him; enjoy his brusque wit, and like the Americans say, “go figure…”
By Jaydip SenguptaEveryone loves a dose of conspiracy and I am no exception. As it is, it has become increasingly difficult to differentiate between truth and conspiracy. Years of research into various events, both historical and current, have steadfastly led me to believe that we have been and are still being lied to about matters that are either difficult to verify and prove otherwise or are not in the interest of the Government and the controlling agencies to tell us.
For long now, I have been reading about UFO sightings and alien landings. It is a fascinating subject with wildly fluctuating versions regarding the authenticity of so-called eye-witness accounts that keep popping up from around the world. Stories of alien abductions are often thrown into the mix giving it a more personal feel – pardon the pun. It is a fantasy people are naturally drawn to, just like the movies which provide a temporary relief from the drudgery of everyday life. Who doesn’t like to watch Superman in his flight of fancy, an alien trying to save us, something we obviously can’t do ourselves.
But while Superman looks and behaves like us, Hollywood is replete with films about little green men who, like the Man of Steel, somehow manage to land only in the US, despite it occupying only 6 per cent of the land and is third behind Russia and China in terms of land mass. Maybe because, only in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, do they have terms like Illegal Aliens, when referring to undocumented immigrants. But that is another discussion for another day.
Truth, they say, is stranger than fiction, which is why I haven’t been able to pooh-pooh movies like Independence Day and its sequel where aliens and references to Area 51 are aplenty. Do I believe aliens exist? Not until I see one myself, although if I am to believe in Multiverses, it seems obvious we can’t be the only beings around. Do I believe the whole alien hoax is a conspiracy that the Governments of the world will use for complete control over us one day? My answer to that would be, they have enough hoaxes to control us, why would they need such an elaborate one.
Well then, what do they have to hide at Area 51 if there are no aliens? Officially a highly classified US Air Force facility located within the Nevada Test and Training Range, it is an open training range and supposedly supports the development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. I am almost certain that the technology available to the powers-that-be is a few decades ahead of what is made available to us, but obviously, there is more to it than meets the eye, or in this case, doesn’t meet the eye.
When California resident Matty Roberts started the Area 51 Facebook group, he could not have imagined that his meme about a proposed September 20 event with the message: “Storm Area 51, they can’t stop all of us’, would receive such an overwhelming response that the FBI and the US Air Force would be forced to issue warnings to stop the impending raid which already has 3 million ‘going’ and 1.4 million ‘interested’ signatures.
As things stand, Roberts has pulled out of ‘Alienstock’, the music festival he had planned around the storming event from September 20-22, due to safety concerns – apparently for the attendees, though he seems more scared the FBI might come for him first.
So, while all the focus in the US right now is on the search for illegal aliens, the search for ‘legal’ aliens at Area 51 is likely to continue at least till some kind of disclosure is made. But, don’t hold your breath on that happening just yet!
So that’s that then. That was the first guest article for our blog.
For me, I am a firm believer in aliens, especially if they look and behave like Valkyrie – as in the Thor films of Marvel. Otherwise I am more of a time travel and parallel universe person when it comes to sci-fi; more of Flash than Flash Gordon, I binge on Fringe.
But yes, if you ask me whether aliens exist, I would say they should; why would so many people believe in them otherwise?? It’s like religion and racism, since people believe in it, it exists. Besides, millions of followers’ passionately supporting events that has no chance of really happening, and believing in things that makes no real sense – does ring a bell of familiarity.
So whatever JD says, I will wait for September 20. Things might still happen. Not throwing the towel yet; maybe I too can hitchhike that ride to the galaxies I had been waiting for.

People are not canceling their bookings yet…
So enjoyable…
Yes Gautam – I liked it too. Working with friends is always a pleasure.
Nice read…. This blog is gaining momentum now..
I am so flattered my friend…
Very good read
Thanks Nishi
Satyajit Ray and Stephen Spielberg (in that order, precisely) cannot be wrong. I am a believer. 😁
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